Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Flight price just gone UP!

We%26#39;re travelling to Vegas on 10th October, and intend to fly with Mytravel on the Manchester direct flights. A month ago the price was £404; it fell two weeks ago to £384. I have been hanging on expecting it to drop to around the £350 figure as the date approaches. I checked this morning as its now being quoted at £414!

I%26#39;m just a tad twitchy that this indicates that the flight is filling up; should I book now to ensure our seats, or hold on to see if it drops again?

Flight price just gone UP!

can%26#39;t you tell if the seats are available or not? go to the airlines website directly, at least you can with Continental and see the available seats. The prices however (at least within the US) always go up %26amp; down, so I would check back during the week but its not like they sky rocketed that much...

Flight price just gone UP!

I%26#39;ve got to agree with the other poster; they have only gone up by £10 from the original price! Which in the grand scheme of things isn%26#39;t really a big deal. And if I%26#39;d have seen them at £384 I;d have bittentheir hand off rather than wait for them to drop in price again...

Personally, if it was me, I would want to book and make sure I have a seat. Especially if you%26#39;re going with someone else (as it seems you are), if you leave it too late to book 1) you may end up with seats at different ends of the plane 2) They may have sold out completely.

On the website, do they show a map of the plane telling you which seats are available? If so, are there lots of seats available?

Its obviously up to you whether you book or wait, but I wouldn%26#39;t chance it personally. I think you%26#39;ll end up finding that most prices will go up as the date gets closer, rather than go down.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Indeedy, JarJar, we have me, my significant other, her mother AND a 22 month old. Nanna and the infant are staying with relatives in Henderson, so aren%26#39;t literally IN Vegas (for all you ';don%26#39;t bring kids to Vegas!'; folk)

I think I%26#39;ll have to go ahead and book. We%26#39;ll get seats together at checkin specially with a kiddy, but the dates are inflexible, due to work commitments.

Its your money. Make a decision.

It%26#39;s like Vegas, a gamble.

We booked our seats in March at £390 each for our flight next month. If we had waited until now it would have cost us £462 plus we would have had to make an extra stopover and get in 5 hours later.

However, rather than losing some money, I would be more worried about not getting a seat and missing out on my holiday.

I need to speak to Er Indoors but I%26#39;m certain that a booking now will be the safest option. Interesting to note the price differential for you, gingerscot, that reinforces my view that we should get in now. Oh, and thank you, plainjane07, a really helpful and thoughtful response.

I was booking my wedding flights with Virgin Premium and they were £814 I was transferring the money overnight from my savings and it took a day when I looked the next morning it was £1400 so I booked business with Maxjet for £1k. I will book and if it drops have to get annoyed. I have just paid £399.44 driect with BMI from Manchester in September without staying a Saturday night for my brother in law.

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