Thursday, April 19, 2012

Nicesheffielder TR Part 5

Hola readers the end is near

After our M%26amp;G the other evening we had another big night comming

namely a wedding we had been invited to,by one of our fellow TA users,mrs nice was not really looking forward to the event as much as me,as she knew nobody,but yet again did i?

I had been talking to this person on this site for a few weeks prior to our trip to vegas,and when he said he was getting married in vegas

while we were there he would like to invite us to attend

which i thought was really nice,anyway i got them two wedding presents both made in sheffield i won%26#39;t tell you the cost but i guess you could have got a nice room for a few nigths at let%26#39;s say caesars well that scale,so just to break the ice we decided to meet at the heart bar for a drink together a few hours before the wedding

so off we trot in our posh gear, and i must say we looked like we were a couple of high roller dead smart apart from the sheffield united fc carrier bag which had the wedding presents in plus the brand new blades shirt i said i would get him,

well we got to the heart bar ordered some drinks and waited and waited and waited mrs nice must have seen the disapointment

on my face,then she had the brainwave go and get them paged yes good thinking then oh no i only knew his and future wifes first names,but then i did recall his second name,

i got them to phone their room no answer,but they were in the hotel ? well booked ini tried again 15mins later still no answer,so i left mrs cell number

and left the wedding presents at the bell desk to taken to their room later $5 for that service,but did%26#39;nt leave the new blades shirt thought

sod it i%26#39;ll wear it later on in the week only few days left,so we hit the strip did some slotts went in loads of bars

and got hammered,since returning to sheffield i have PM ed the guy only to ask if they got their presents guess what ? no call back just hope everything went well for them and they are not sleepless in seattle? maybe i%26#39;m just too trusting in people (what do you think)and i admitt it did make me feel a little down

The following day we hit the pool did the tanning thing for a few hours then went up to the strip to pop into some of the bigger hotels

in was while we were in caesars palace that i decided to have a few buck in the slots,well we both sat down next to each other i fired in $5 then all hell let loose i%26#39;d only gone and TO BE CONTINUED enjoy

Nicesheffielder TR Part 5

Long wait for Part 5 but as worth it, sorry about the wedding I would never do that.

I hope you won big.

Nicesheffielder TR Part 5

Wedding days can always be hectic. But if this guy knew you were soming all the way from Sheffield, and expected to meet you in that bar...... I see no excuse for not at LEAST leaving a message for you that he couldn%26#39;t make it!!!!!!!!!!

Lack of respect......

Can%26#39;t wait for

Spider pig...spider pig...... #%$@#!!

That is just RUDE. You left a cell and pm%26#39;d the person and not the decency to say hey sorry, had a problem, whatever. Don%26#39;t let it sour you on meeting decent people from TA. Just next time forget the gift part. You and the Mrs sound like really decent people, would have loved to have been there while you were.

So far your TRs have been great.

Great TR, hope you received a refund on the gifts. I hate to see people get stiffed.

sheff, no good deed goes unpunished! Your good Karma will come back to you (and your Blades!)

No refund on presents

left them at bell desk paid $5 to have them delivered to them!

don%26#39;t know to this day if they got them????????? up the blades

How disappointing! Not your report, it%26#39;s great, as usual, but to go to such effort and have the other guy drop the ball. As others have said, don%26#39;t let this ruin your opinion of other forum friends.

I sure hope that $5 got multiplied by many.

Don%26#39;t keep us waiting so long next time.


OMG! I%26#39;m so sorry about the wedding! Hope you won%26#39;t let it change your view on TA and Americans. Some people!!! Can%26#39;t trust anyone, that%26#39;s my usual motto. ( I know it%26#39;s cynical, but sadly, realistic. )

Glad you made the best of it anyway...

Come back again, and we%26#39;ll arrange a special M%26amp;G for presents required=-)

Thanks for posting! are a good person, so I hope eventually the guy will send a thank you message to you. I wish you would have been heading to Vegas in Oct. so Mr. Ducky and I could meet you and the misses!!!


Sorry ducky

Did Vegas in oct 2 years ago for our 25th wedding ann

as for being put off americans the ones we%26#39;ve met have been mostly very polite, and friendly,but the bar staff 95% in terribles were NOT americas could have been from eastern block etc seemed like they were doing you a favour serving you,but this year smiles from bar staff in quite a few places were hard to come by yet they still want the $ tip:(

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